Saturday, March 21, 2009

Funny TV News from Wonkette (highly recommended) is a great political blog that I check every so often. Here is a nice little piece about Obama's appearance on the Leno show the other night:

Too funny.

Smokin Smarties

Oh what won't the kids think of next??? Check out this link on

Watch one of the videos, they are hilarious. Of course the mainstream press is all up in arms. Can't wait to see how the wingnuts blame this on Obama.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Our Mutual Friend

So, one of TRCs favorite gal pals, Carly, is heading to the East Coast this weekend with her beau in tow, Mr. Zack. This is the big trip to "Meet The Parents". Informed sources tell TRC that Zack is fully ready to impress the parents. It's unfortunate that we couldn't gather the faithful this weekend and invite Carly and Zack down for a nice Sunday dinner. That way we could evaluate him ourselves.

But fear not faithful readers, TRC is heading out to SFO in April and we will definitely be making time to see our favorite friends. Anyway, once the trip is over TRC spies will be checking in with Carly to get the inside scoop on how things went. So stay tuned!!!

Baked Alaska!

So Bristol Palin kicks her self proclaimed red neck boyfriend Levi Johnston to the curb this week. Well, if he's tired of freezing his ass off in Wasilly he can move on down to La Habra CA and help the Octo Mommy with her brood!

Strolling Around Town with Tim

So last night I went up to Tim’s place to have some dinner. In case you didn’t know, Tim lives a block off Rittenhouse Square in Philly. (A very posh locale if you ask me.) We walked up to the state store to buy some wine.

Apparently Tim had not heard that the PA Liquor Control Board has decided to send all of its employees to charm school so that they will smile at the customers and say things like hello, goodbye, and thank you. Not a bad idea if you ask me. Anyhow, the lady that waited on us was very nice and clearly did not need charm school.

Actually, the employees need a good dental plan. That time Joan and I bought champagne at a store near her courtesy of Toothless Boy was an episode to remember! Anyway, that story goes like this. We went to state store near where she lives and were looking for more J Rose Champagne for the wedding. We only found 6 bottles and we were directed to the manager to see if there was any more.

Well up comes the manager looking more than a little rumpled and asking what he could do for us. We explained what we were looking for. Of course during this exchange neither of us could help notice that this guy had like no teeth. I mean he seemed ok, but he had no teeth! They were like all rotted out or something.

He says he is all out of the J Rose, but takes us to the back of the store and shows us this Chairman’s Reserve bottle of champagne for half off an extravagant price and highly recommends it. It’s Domaine Carneros, La Reve. He’s pushing pretty hard on this stuff and so we look at each other, shrug and decide to buy one bottle just to give it a try. We walk out the store asking ourselves just how dumb could we be to take a recommendation from a guy with hardly any teeth. That night we open the bottle and much to our amazement, the champagne was EXCELLENT!. We went back to the store the next day and bought a whole case of the stuff. What’s the moral to this story? I’m not really sure, but I guess it’s that the least likely people can really help you out sometimes.

We didn’t walk back to Tim’s place in a straight line courtesy of me. (No, we didn’t drink the wine out of the brown paper bag on the way home!) I was just in a wandering kind of mood. Tim made an excellent dinner, I dropped him off at Addie’s and away I went. I must return with a camera next time.

Totally Random Crap

Hi everyone and welcome to Totally Random Crap, (TRC for short). This is the blog you have been waiting for.

It has taken me awhile to get this up and running because I was trying to find a title that would describe all the topics I wanted to cover and the random nature of how they would be discussed.

In fact I came up with the title just last night driving home from dinner with Tim. I was just randomly thinking about the blog and what might go in it when the name popped into my head. So there’s totally random for you!

So the emphasis will be on funny comments and observations, snark, rants, and from time to time serious things too. So in way while there are elements of crap, there will be instructive ones as well. So pay close attention!!!

So here you go people. Please don’t forget to leave comments because that is the only way I know if anyone actually reads this thing or not. (I wish this blog app had a way of counting views and hits.)

BTW, I am well aware that I misspelled "totaly" in the web address. The other spellings were already taken. Clever Non? Mais Oui!